Arikil is a thought-provoking short film that shines a light on the sensitive issue of suicide awareness. Directed by Deepu Jacob, with a compelling story, script, and dialogue by Srijith R, this film delves deep into the emotional struggles that often go unnoticed. With powerful performances by Pavin P Bright, Dr.Joji Joshua Philipose, and Lekshmipriya B, voice acting by Tony J and Nandini R Pillai, Arikil takes you on an emotional journey that highlights the importance of understanding, compassion, and mental health awareness. The film’s cinematography is masterfully crafted by Zulfa Rasheed, Deepu Jacob, and Srijith R, capturing the poignant moments of the story. The original music, composed by Christy Saji, adds a moving layer to the film’s atmosphere, drawing the audience into the characters’ emotional world. Assistant directors Joshua George Thekkedath, Alfy Saji, and Muhammed Shafas have also played key roles in bringing this impactful story to life. Arikil is not just a film, but a call for conversation, empathy, and awareness about the struggles of those who may be suffering in silence. Watch it, share it, and help raise awareness. Music by : christysaji